Mastering Local SEO: 7 Tips for Dominating Local Search

You’ve got a local business and want to attract more customers. The best way to do that these days is through local search. When people in your area search online for the kinds of products or services you offer, you want your business to pop up at the top of the results. That’s where local SEO comes in. By optimising your online presence, you can dominate the local search results and pull in tons of new local customers. We’ve put together 10 of the best tips to get you started. Implement these local SEO strategies, and you’ll book more business quickly. 

Optimise Your Google My Business Listing

Your Google My Business listing needs to be on point, so ensure all your business info is accurate and current. Double-check your address, phone number, hours, and website. Even small errors can hurt your rankings. Choose a profile photo that is eye-catching and represents your business. Add photos of your location, products, services, staff, and customers. Post regular updates, events, offers, and news to keep your listing active and engaged. Add a business description highlighting your products, services, mission, and location. Describe what makes your business unique.

Check how your listing appears on sites like Bing, Yahoo, and Facebook and optimise them similarly. Consistency builds authority across platforms. With some TLC, your Google My Business listing can become a local SEO powerhouse and keep the customers rolling in. 

Add Location Pages To Your Website

To rank for local searches, you need location pages on your website. These are dedicated pages targeting the geographic areas you serve. Add a location page for each city, county, or region you operate in. On each page, be sure to include: Your business name, address, contact info, and a list of the services you offer in that area. Use location names and geographic keywords throughout the page content and page titles. Mention the location name at least 3-4 times per page. This helps search engines understand that you service those areas.

Location pages give you more opportunities to rank for local searches and bring in customers from your surrounding areas. With location pages on your site and solid local SEO, you’ll dominate the local search results in no time. 

Improve Internal Linking Structure

Link to other relevant pages and posts on your site. For example, if you have a page on “10 Local SEO Tips”, link to it from your “Local SEO Strategy” page. This helps search engines understand how your content is connected and what pages are most important. This passes link equity to the page you’re linking to. linking to pages that you want to rank well in search engines, like your services, about us, and location pages. The more links a page has, the more important search engines will consider it.

you publish new blog posts, resources or other content, be sure to link to them from relevant existing pages on your site. This helps get that new content indexed and ranking faster. These tips will strengthen your internal linking structure and help your most important local SEO content rank higher in search results. The more you link, the more you win!

Run a Local SEO Audit

A local SEO audit will uncover any issues holding you back from the top spots. See your rank for crucial local search terms like your business name, address, and services. Are you on the first page of the results? If not, an audit can help fix that.

Claim and optimise your Google My Business listing. This is critical for local SEO and an easy win. Check your local citations like Yelp and Facebook. Do they have the right business details? Consistent or duplicate listings help your rankings. See if your website is mobile-friendly and loads fast. Google favours mobile-optimized sites with good page speed.  Ensure your address, phone number, and critical details appear prominently on your website. Local SEO relies heavily on these location signals. Running an audit of these key local SEO factors will uncover issues you can resolve to start dominating the search results in your local market. Stay on top of local SEO best practices, and you’ll keep those top spots for good!

Optimise URL, Title Tags, Headers, Meta Description, and Content

To dominate local search results, you need to optimise your on-page content. Your URL should contain your target keyword, business name, and location. Meta Description is a short, compelling summary of your page content that includes your keyword and location. Keep it under 160 characters so it displays fully in search results. Incorporate your keyword and location in the first 100 words of the content. Mention your location, products/services, and area served. Provide helpful information for locals, like your address, hours of operation, and contact details. 

Use your keyword 3-5 times, including in headings, content, image alt text, and page URL. Include location-specific terms like “West London plumber” or “plumbing services in West London”. Embed a Google Map showing your location on the contact page. Publish original, helpful content like “How to Prepare Your London Home for Winter” or “Common Plumbing Issues in West London Homes”. Optimising your on-page content helps search engines understand your business and the location you serve. By targeting locals with relevant information and keywords, you’ll rank higher in local search and drive more foot traffic. Keep your content fresh by updating it regularly to maintain your dominance.

Create Useful Local Content

To rank well locally, you need to publish content targeting potential customers in your area. Write blog posts highlighting your business’s local expertise and experience. For example, if you’re an accountant, share tax tips for residents of your city or state. If you’re a real estate agent, provide an overview of the local housing market and trends. Create city guides recommending your favourite local restaurants, events, parks, etc. This shows you’re engaged in the community. You can then promote these guides on your website and social media.

Start a local newsletter or podcast discussing issues that matter to your target customers. Publish profiles of your happy local customers or clients. Ask them to share their experience with your business and what they like about the local community. Get involved in relevant local organisations and charities. Then share updates about your involvement and contributions on your website and social media. Optimise your content for local search by using location-based keywords, like the name of your city or neighborhood. The more useful local information you provide, the more Google will see your business as a helpful local resource.

Get Reviews and Build Local Citations

Start by claiming your business profiles on Yelp, Facebook, and Google My Business. Ask happy customers to leave reviews on these profiles and your website. Reviews build trust and social proof, ranking you higher in search results. Aim for at least 10 to 15 reviews, and keep collecting them over time. Research local citation sources like chambers of commerce, networking groups, and business directories in your area. Claim and optimise profiles on the top 20 to 30 most relevant sites. 

Building a strong local SEO presence takes time, but the rewards are worth it. With reviews, citations, and an optimised online reputation, you’ll attract more customers and dominate the local search scene. Keep improving and updating your profiles; you’ll secure a top spot for years.

Run Local PPC Campaigns

One of the best ways to show up at the top of the search engine results page is by running pay-per-click (PPC) ad campaigns targeted at your city or neighbourhood. With PPC ads, you bid on keywords that include your business name, products, services, and location. When people search for those terms, your ad can appear at the top of the results. PPC ads are a fast way to drive local traffic and boost visibility. You only pay when someone actually clicks your ad. Local PPC, when done right, is a highly effective way to connect with nearby customers searching for your products and services. The more people see your business at the top of the search results, the more they will choose you over the competition.

Get Inbound Links with Relevance and Authority

Local links from sites focused on your city or region carry more weight. Contact local organisations, media outlets, bloggers, and business groups to see if they’ll link to your site. Offer to write guest posts for local newspapers, TV stations, radio shows, podcasts, and blogs. or do an interview. Ask Chambers of Commerce, business associations, networking groups, and nonprofits if they’ll add your site to their local business directory or resources page. Try local event sites, community calendars, and city guides if they will link to your business details or event listings.

For the most powerful local SEO, get links from sites with locally-focused content, good domain authority, and that are well-ranked for terms related to your business and location. While any link can help, relevant links from authoritative, trusted sites will do the most for your local rankings and visibility.


These are the top 9 tips for dominating local search results and increasing foot traffic to your establishment. You’ll be well on your way to increasing visibility and connecting with local clients if you implement these local SEO methods. Local SEO is an ongoing effort, so keep optimising your listings, build those reviews and citations, engage with your community, and make the most of the tools available to help people find you. You’ll establish your business as a local authority and leader with time and consistency.